Bangladesh generally suffers from a lowlevel of scientific literacy compounded further by a sharp decline in the number of school students enrolling for science. In 2001 264,000 students appeared for the secondary school leaving (SSC) examination from the science group whereas this number decreased to 200,000 in 2006. The decline in science enrolment also accompanied with a slide in the quality of science education. Along with the shortage of teachers resulting from the low numbers enrolling for science studies, factors such as a weak curriculum, low quality textbooks, poor teaching and assessment methods, inadequate incentives for teachers, and lack of trained faculty and laboratory facilities have contributed to the decline in quality, as well as for the disinterest and phobia towards science. The inadequate or lack of laboratory facilities in schools is particularly conspicuous in Bangladesh’s science education system. It is estimated that eighty percent of rural schools have no laboratory facilities. Click here for detail
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