Youth Mobilization for Social Change (YMSC)
Youth in a country is the most viable and potential human resource both in population structure and social structure. The provision of services for youths is crucial in order to support them in setting up their lives, both professional and personal. Development in Bangladesh depends upon proper utilization of youths because they constitute about one-third of total population and 37.7% of the total civilian labour force. But the youths of this country are suffering from various socioeconomic problems, environmental constraints and political instability such as unemployment, lack of technical education, financial crisis for self-employment, frequent disaster, religious backwardness, religious fundamentalism, political ignorance etc. Active participation of educated, trained, persevered, organized, disciplined, skilled, risk free, motivated and dedicated youth force in development process will ensure the development of the country. Targeting to achieve the anticipated goal, LEDARS is implementing a project “Youth Mobilization for Social Change” with the support of Manusher Jonno Foundation(MJF)
The goal of the project is “to build the capacity of youths in social participation, leadership and income generating through the integrated activities to prepare them to become leaders for bringing positive changes in society”.

Youth people and civil society demanding fair price of rice.
Major focus of this program is;
Formation of youth forum: LEDARS will form youth from ward to upazila level to mobilize the youth. A total of 68 youth and civil society forum formed where 3016 youth get evolve and actively participate in social change activities. A total of 3016 youth will involve and actively participate to the project.
Capacity building of youth: The project will build capacity of youth on leadership, conduction of social campaign, values of social harmony, role to youth in social development, religious harmony, different income generating activities, gender, climate change, environment conservation, resource management, etc.
Engagement with economic development activities: Poverty is one of the major causes to involvement of youth with radicalism and different anti social activities. To reduce extreme poverty, the project creates opportunities to youth with different income generating activities. LEDARS will provide support to educated youth to get job to different job providers through provide training to CV development, organize job fair, one to one dialogue with job providers, etc.
Promoting social volunteerism: The project engages youth forum members and leaders with volunteer activities. Under the project at least 1000 youth will engage with social development related volunteer activities e.g. tree plantation, organize campaign to prevent eve teasing, child marriage, road accident, cleaning of public places, etc.
Development of intercultural understanding: the project will work with community people to development of religious harmony though organize community meeting by youth, organize dialogue with different faith leaders, dialogue with government officials and policy actors, organize cultural event, etc.